You Are Searching For loan without cibil score : If you need a personal loan, your CIBIL score is checked first. CIBIL score is something that all banks and loan giving institutions check before taking a loan because CIBIL score helps in evaluating your past transactions completely.
Your CIBIL score gives you complete information about your previous loan and money transaction history. Your CIBIL score is visible through your PAN card, so you have to give a copy of your PAN card to the loan giving institution or bank. Many people have very low CIBIL scores and they want a loan but do not get it, so today in this article we will talk about how you can take a loan of Rs 50,000 even with a zero CIBIL score.
How To Get an Instant Loan Without a CIBIL Loan
It is not necessary that everyone’s CIBIL score is good. Sometimes even if you do not make a mistake, your CIBIL score gets spoiled. Now even if your CIBIL score has become bad, if you still want to take a loan, you can get a loan. We will tell you how you can take an Instant Loan Without CIBIL. But taking a loan without CIBIL is a very difficult task.
You have to find some financial companies which approve loans without CIBIL score such as Bajaj Finance Limited, NaVI, there are many loan institutions which approve the loan immediately even with low CIBIL score, but one thing has to be kept in mind that on low CIBIL score, this loan institution gives you very high interest rate, so before taking the loan, it is important for you to check the interest rate.
Documents required for Rs 50,000 loan without cibil score
If you want a loan on zero CIBIL score then you will need the documents given below. Aadhar Card, PAN Card, Bank Passbook and other documents
Eligibility for Zero CIBIL Score Instant Loan
If you want to get a loan approved with zero CIBIL score, then you must have the eligibility given below.
- You must be an Indian citizen
- You must have a PAN card
- Your Aadhar card and mobile number must be linked
- You must have a bank account
- Your bank account and PAN card must be linked
- If you want to take a loan without CIBIL score or with zero CIBIL score, then you have to take care of some things
- If you want to take a loan online with low CIBIL score then first of all you have to apply for a small loan because a small loan gets approved immediately.
- If you want to take a loan with zero CIBIL score and you feel that your loan may not be approved immediately then you should apply for a small loan with a guarantor, your
- guarantor should be someone who has a good CIBIL score.
If your CIBIL score is bad and you are working somewhere or doing business, then provide - proof of your income so that your loan can be approved immediately.
How to get a loan with a low CIBIL score - If your CIBIL score is low or zero then you can easily take a loan, so we have given you the steps below, by following these steps you can take a Zero CIBIL score loan.
After logging in, you have to enter your loan amount and for how long you want to take the loan.
Then you have to get video KYC done from your PAN card, the video KYC will be done by the loan application officerAfter that you have to enter the details of your bank passbook and you have to get NACH done so that your loan EMI can be auto debited
After that the top officials of the finance loan application will check your application, if they think that you are eligible to take the loan then the money will be transferred to your bank account in just 5 minutes